If you hadn’t noticed, Redeemer is in transition:
We recently paid off the Family Life Center debt (praise God!)
The launch of a new Modern Worship service & Sunday morning menu
A new ministry for children called KidZone
Partnering with a DCE Intern
Discussions and plans are in the works for some facility improvements
Senior Youth preparing for the National Youth Gathering in San Antonio
None of the above would have been possible if it were not for the insightful, forward-thinking leaders who are leading at Redeemer. We stand on the shoulders of “many” faithful men and women who poured their time, sweat and tears into this community of faith. The church’s leadership is among the best I have had the privilege of serving alongside. Looking back, it is apparent God’s hand has been at work, guiding us with the fresh wind of His Spirit toward the direction we are currently moving. After all, look at all God has accomplished through us, His Church, listed above. I am extremely proud of the progress we have made as a church and look forward to seeing what the approaching months will bring as we strive to make an eternal impact on our local community by connecting people to Jesus. All praise to God for His creative and grace-filled hand!
Why go through all this transition? What is the point?
The point behind the transition comes down to two words … making disciples. People’s souls are at stake, hanging in the balance as to where they will spend an eternity, and our task as the Church is to connect people to Jesus. After all, whose church is it? Are we willing to do whatever it takes to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that they can hear it? I am extremely encouraged by the great discussion on Sunday mornings in our Growth time surrounding the church and how we might reclaim the next generation. I am encouraged that by the time you are reading this article we will have officially launched a new modern style of worship at Redeemer. I am encouraged at the heart of the Board of Education, Board of Youth, Council, and church for young people, shown time and time again.
God is turning the page to a brand new chapter of life at Redeemer. As we take steps toward a new tomorrow, I firmly believe God is positioning us for something beyond our wildest imagination.
During times of transition I have found it vitally important to go back to basics, to the core of who we are and what we are all about. Doing so helps a person or organization stay grounded on what is important versus being blown around by the shifting of winds as a new normal is forming. Our core at Redeemer comes down to three words: gather, grow, and go. These are not only descriptive but movement words, a calling card to missional action. It is a movement grounded upon the cross as a launching pad for our journey of faith. The cross, after all, was never meant to be a destination but a springboard to a new life in Jesus, a life characterized by gathering, growing, and going with the love of God. Jesus Himself challenges: “Take up your cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)
In April and May we will be journeying through a sermon series entitled “Core” that will lead us back to basics, to our core Christian faith as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus to a mountainside. In Matthew 5 a crowd gathers on a hill to hear Jesus speak a word of truth. Upon this rock, Jesus speaks into our lives the bedrock of our purpose and calling as the Church.
He paints a clear picture of what it means to follow Him.
I pray you can join us each week as we travel to the mountain to sit at Jesus’ feet to experience and live one of His finest teaching moments in the Sermon on the Mount. We will explore some hard truths as “the” Truth, Jesus Christ, changes us from being just a person in the CROWD to a growing CORE disciple, COMMISSIONED to change the world. From crowd to core to commissioned, that is God’s call on us.
As transition continues to happen in our life as a church, let us strive to be ever-mindful of its reason and purpose, all the while leaning upon Christ, our mighty Rock, as the core foundation in movement from one place to another. Our reason and purpose is that of making disciples by connecting people to Jesus and His unchanging, sacrificial love. As the page turns toward an unknown tomorrow, take comfort in knowing that we follow an unchanging God: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) Take up your cross, my friend, and follow Jesus’ lead.
There stands the cross. Pick it up, it is time to launch.
Ready. Set. GO!