We just wrapped up a sermon series entitled “Hero” in which we looked at how God tapped various men and women throughout scripture for the purpose of growing them into heroes for the sake of the Gospel. We explored several heroes of the faith such as Jesus, Paul, David, Daniel, Joseph, and many others. This series makes clear a call to action for us to see how God is at work in us, as well, growing and stretching us into heroes for the sake of the Gospel.
God is not done making heroes! Look in a mirror, my friend, our Lord is mysteriously and powerfully at work in you to live the heroic code: A life of truth, grace, and the Christ-centered way!
At the heart of this series was a call to action for us to be a hero for someone else. As John reminds us: “Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.” (1 John 3:18) Thus, to help you live this call out, we launched a summer emphasis called “Be a Hero” (More detailed information about this may be found on our church’s website or at the Welcome Center). Everyone needs encouragement; it is a food our spirit craves. As followers of Christ, we have the unique opportunity to actually “be” Jesus’ hands and feet to those He has placed in our path, serving them with His sacrificial love through acts of kindness and grace, no strings attached. I am sure we have all been on the receiving end of such a moment. They are wonderful, aren’t they? There is something about a moment of grace, such as this, that can brighten up a rough day.
It has been exciting to see people taking part in the “Be a Hero” emphasis! Listen to some of the wonderful things God is doing through you:
- Many letters of encouragement were written by several of you to those participating in the National Youth Gathering. As these notes have come in, it has been fun seeing the stack of letters get taller and taller as the week progressed. They will be a wonderful blessing each day they are delivered!
- Someone who shall remain nameless (you know who you are) spent countless hours resurrecting our church’s office computer and phone system. Can you imagine Sunday without a bulletin? Or a church without an operational phone? Thank you __ike!
- Another person helped a stranger get his cattle off the road and back in their pasture.
- In their own words: “At a stoplight a young man held a sign saying, ‘Trying to get home.’ I handed him some money and was searching for a cross coin to give him when the light turned green and as my husband pulled forward, the young man said, ‘God bless you.’ What a surprise, he gave us a blessing!”
- During KidZone on June 9, the kids planted flowers in pots to help beautify the church entrance and give a cheery welcome to all!
These are wonderful stories and examples of how God has been at work in us to spur one another on in the faith, leading us to become a hero for someone else, all for the sake of the Gospel. I hope we can highlight more hero encounters in the coming months as we explore how God continues to work in our lives to lead us to live a life of truth, grace, and the Christ-centered way. It is a life grounded upon making disciples that Gather, Grow, and Go in Him who saves us. Feel free to send your “Be a Hero” stories to me through email, Facebook, or send them to the church office.
Friends, God’s heroic call to us still stands: For whom might God be calling you to be a hero? A neighbor? Friend? Brother or sister? Mom or dad? A grandparent? Our “Hero” series may have ended, but our call to be heroes for the sake of the Gospel remains. Be bold in your call, trusting in God’s Spirit working through you to share His love with someone through an act of grace. Let us not just say that we love each other, but let us show our love through an act of love!
Boldly living His grace,